Advancing Autonomy from Operator Assist to Driverless Vehicles

Event Time

Originally Aired - Thursday, March 16 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM

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Event Location

Location: S230

Event Information

Title: Advancing Autonomy from Operator Assist to Driverless Vehicles


Session Code: R4
Moderator: Jay Moline
In this session we will discuss the technical, social, and economic factors that are needed to advance vehicles in the construction industry from their current state to a state of high operator assistance and augmentation, and then to a state of driverless automation. This discussion will include some of the significant challenges OEMs and suppliers face with new technologies and ''edge case'' management around the vehicle and job site. During the discussion we will also focus on how to overcome these challenges and the future of the construction autonomous vehicle industry.

Type: IFPE


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